Terms and Conditions

Updated: April 8, 2024

Use of Cookies

This website uses its own and third party cookies to offer you a better experience and service. By browsing or using our services the user accepts our use of cookies. However, the user has the option to prevent the generation of cookies and to delete them by selecting the corresponding option in their browser. In case of blocking the use of cookies in your browser, it is possible that some services or functionalities of the website may not be available.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small piece of text that websites send to the browser and which is stored on the user’s terminal, which can be a personal computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc. These files allow the website to remember information about your visit, such as language and preferred options, which can make your next visit easier and make the site more useful by personalising its content. Cookies play a very important role in improving the experience of using the website.

How are cookies used?

By browsing this website, the user accepts that cookies may be installed on their terminal and that they allow us to obtain the following information:

  • Statistical information on the use of the website.
  • The user’s login to keep the session active on the website.
  • The preferred web format for access from mobile devices.
  • The last searches performed in the services of the website and personalisation data of these services.
  • Information on the advertisements shown to the user.
  • Information on the surveys in which the user has participated.
  • Data on the connection with social networks for users who access with their Facebook or Twitter user.

What types of cookies does this website use?

Technical Cookies: These are those that allow the user to browse through a website, platform or application and use the different options or services that exist on it such as, for example, controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session, accessing parts of restricted access, remembering the elements that make up an order, carrying out the purchasing process of an order, making the application for registration or participation in an event, using security elements during browsing, storing content for the broadcasting of videos or sound or sharing content through social networks.

Third-party cookies: The Weeras website may use third-party services that, on behalf of Google, Inc., compile information for statistical purposes, for the use of the website by the user and for the provision of other services related to the activity of the website and other Internet services.

In particular, this website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. domiciled in the United States with headquarters at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043. In order to provide these services, they use cookies to collect information, including the user’s IP address, which will be transmitted to, processed and stored by Google on the terms set out on the Google.com website. Including the possible transmission of such information to third parties for reasons of legal requirement or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf.

By using this website, the User expressly accepts the processing of the information collected in the manner and for the aforementioned purposes. You also acknowledge that you are aware of the possibility of rejecting the processing of such data or information by rejecting the use of Cookies by selecting the appropriate settings for this purpose in your browser. While this option of blocking Cookies in your browser may not allow you to make full use of all the functionalities of the website.

You can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring the options of the browser installed on your computer:

  • Chrome
  • Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Safari

If you have any doubts about this cookies policy, you can contact the Weeras team at weeras@weeras.com

Terms and Conditions

In compliance with the duty to provide the information set out in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we hereby declare www.weeras.com to be a website managed by the company Saak Digital Content Services SL (from now on Saak Digital) with registered address for these purposes at Passeig de Maragall number 1, local 2, 08036 Barcelona, Spain and tax code B65282774.


  1. You are accessing the website of Saak Digital Content Services S.L. (from now on Saak Digital SL). This website is created solely for educational purposes and can be accessed freely, except in those areas that require prior registration of the user through their educational centre with which Saak Digital SL has a collaboration agreement.
  2. A user is understood to be any natural or legal person who accesses this website, both in its free contents and those that require prior registration. This user is subject to these General Conditions and to the contents of the Legal Notices of the website.
  3. In any case, the user must use this website and its contents and/or services diligently and in accordance with these General Conditions and the contents of the Legal Notices, as well as with the Law, morality, public order and good customs. Saak Digital SL, reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to this website and / or the services it contains, at any time and without prior notice, to any user who does not comply with the provisions of these General Conditions and, especially, with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
  4. In general, and as a rule for the user, in order to access the educational and informative contents of this website, prior registration as a user is required in accordance with the terms established by Saak Digital SL with each educational centre or community and on the website itself.
  5. In order for Saak Digital SL to be able to provide the services offered, it will be necessary for the user to fill in the data and other information requested on the forms contained on the website for each case, without prejudice to other means established for this purpose by means other than this page. The user authorises Saak Digital SL to obtain, store and process their data in the company’s files without prejudice to the rights they have in terms of data protection (see section “Privacy Policy”).
  6. The user authorises Saak Digital SL to obtain, store and process his/her data in the company’s files, without prejudice to the rights to which he/she is entitled in terms of data protection.
  7. Saak Digital SL, reserves the right to modify or delete at any time and without prior notice the contents and services found on this website.
  8. The user undertakes to abstain from using this website and its services for illicit purposes or effects, contrary to those established in these General Conditions, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or which in any way may damage, render useless, overload or deteriorate the Portal and its services or impede the normal use or enjoyment of this website by other users.
  9. The user must abstain from obtaining or even attempting to obtain information, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software and, in general, any type of material accessible through this website or its services using means or procedures other than those that have been made available for this purpose on the website itself.
  10. The inclusion of the contents of this website in other Internet portals, or in other media or supports is not permitted. The reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation of the contents of this website, whether free of charge or for financial consideration, and in any form or medium, is not permitted.
  11. Saak Digital SL is not responsible for the content posted in the areas of free creation that the page has, it is the responsibility of the creator of these. Saak Digital SL, in any case, and in the event of a complaint or warning of content that may be illegal, harmful or inappropriate, will proceed to its immediate removal from the page.
  12. Saak Digital SL warns of the possibility of the inclusion of advertising by publishing companies, bookshops or any other company wishing to promote their products on this page. Saak Digital SL is not responsible for commercial or any other type of relationship that may be established between the user and the companies sponsored on the website.

Legal notice on data privacy policy

  1. Saak Digital Content Services SL, will be responsible for using the personal data provided by users through the website and will be responsible for its management as the party responsible for said processing in accordance with current legislation on data protection, Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing and free movement of personal data and current national legislation.
  2. By registering or entering data on www.saakdigital.com, your data will be incorporated into the processing of: SAAK DIGITAL CONTENT SERVICES, S.L. with registered address at Passeig de Maragall number 1, local 2, 08036 Barcelona, with contact telephone +34 934462617 and e-mail address saakdigital@saakdigital.com
  3. The personal data requested from users will only be those that imply a general identification and are strictly necessary for the provision of services. The personal data provided on the Saak Digital website will be processed for the management and control of your registration and any requests, subscriptions or other contracts that may be made through the website. They will also be processed for the offer of content, products and services published on the website and the subsequent management of the same. By entering your data on the website, you consent to the processing of said personal data by Saak Digital Content Services SL. The data, in any case, will only be processed to maintain a commercial/professional contact, in order to consolidate a possible provision of the service offered and will be kept for the time strictly necessary to carry out the service correctly and professionally and for all those procedures, such as billing, that may arise, unless legally obliged to keep it for a longer period of time. Personal data will only be transferred to client companies with which the client wishes to maintain a commercial and/or professional relationship, as well as to the Public Administrations required by law for the fulfilment of tax and legal obligations. For any queries or claims regarding the rights of access, rectification, revocation, deletion, data portability, limitation of processing and opposition, you may contact the data controller by telephone on +34 934462617 or by e-mail at: saakdigital@saakdigital.com. Likewise, you may also lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority, the Spanish Data Protection Agency, on its website www.aepd.es.
  4. The forms contained in this website may be aimed at minors. For this reason, the necessary controls have been established prior to the collection of this data, aimed at obtaining the prior written authorisation of the parents or legal guardians of the minor and always under the responsibility, knowledge and safeguarding of the educational centre and the responsible teaching staff.
  5. Saak Digital SL, reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy in order to adapt it to European and national regulations and new jurisprudence.
  6. Saak Digital is not responsible for the inaccuracy of the data that this website may contain, nor for damages of any kind that may arise from access to the content, information and images provided by the website. Neither is it liable for damages of any nature that may arise from the lack of availability or continuity in the operation of the website.
  7. Saak Digital provides its services and contents continuously using all the technical means at its disposal to carry out this provision satisfactorily. When deemed appropriate, it may make corrections, improvements or modifications to the information contained on the website or in the services, without this giving rise to or entitling it to any type of claim, or implying any recognition of any responsibility at all..
  8. Saak Digital accepts no responsibility for damages of any kind that may be derived from the knowledge that unauthorised third parties may have of the users’ data and the use that they make of the website through this data. Users, and where applicable the educational centres or the user’s legal representatives, are solely and exclusively responsible for their identification and access codes to the services of the web pages, consisting of the secret code or password and User name, as well as the assignment of an e-mail address.
  9. Saak Digital is not responsible for the improper use of user passwords to access the contents of the web pages that require them, nor for the consequences of any kind due to misuse, loss or forgetfulness on the part of users or improper use by unauthorised third parties.
  10. Saak Digital does not use cookies to access information about users of this website, but reserves the right to change its criteria regarding the use of cookies.

Legal notice on intellectual and industrial property

All logos, images, drawings, brands, slogans and designs in general that Saak Digital incorporates into this website are its property, unless they are the property of the educational centres, collaborating publishers and companies in general that are promoted on the website and must be ceded for this use by means of agreements between the parties, Saak Digital not opting in any case to own them, but only to advertise them and incorporate them into the website.

With regard to the rest of the contents of this website, those persons or companies that consider that their intellectual or industrial property rights have been infringed by any of said contents may contact Saak Digital at the following e-mail address: saakdigital@saakdigital.com.

Any relationship established between Saak Digital and the user will be interpreted and governed by these General Conditions and in accordance with the contents of the Legal Notices and, subsidiarily, by Spanish legislation. For the resolution of any dispute arising between Saak Digital and the user, the courts and tribunals of Barcelona shall have jurisdiction, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction or competent jurisdiction if any.

Access to this website implies acceptance by the User of these General Conditions and the Legal Notice and their commitment to respect them.

Privacy Policy

Saak Digital SL guarantees full and complete compliance with the obligations set forth in Organic Law 15/1999 on Personal Data Protection, as well as the Decree approving its Regulations.

Through the forms found on the website, users may provide the required personal data necessary to participate in the activities, programmes, exercises and any other product available on the website at any given moment.

This data will be incorporated into the files owned by Saak Digital SL for the sole purpose of storage, conservation and management for the proper functioning of the page.

Under no circumstances does the transfer of this data entitle Saak Digital SL to the promotional or advertising communication of any type of service or product to the user.

At any time you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by contacting Saak Digital, at the e-mail address info@saakdigital.com.

The forms contained in this website may be aimed at minors. For this reason, the necessary and previous controls have been established in the collection of this data, aimed at obtaining the prior written authorisation of the parents or legal guardians of the minor and always under the responsibility, knowledge and safeguarding of the educational centre and the teachers responsible.

Saak Digital SL, reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy in order to adapt it to the regulations and new jurisprudence, as well as the criteria adopted by the Data Protection Agency.